
Our New Photography Editing Playlist is Here!


e're photographers - and we know how it is.

Sometimes editing images can drag you down.ย  Sometimes we get in the mindset of "another wedding to get through in Lightroom," or simply get behind with our shoots and start to create a backlog of events that we need to get through.ย It's times like these when it's easy to lose sight that photography is a passion, or a creative outlet.ย  It can be hard to keep things fresh or regain the excitement we once had for silly little things like swapping faces on a bride's photo.

Today the CloudSpot Community wants to give you encouragement.ย  We've all been where you are, we've all thought the same things.ย  Don't be afraid to change your environment today, to get outside a little, or to try something new.ย  Sometimes something as small as changing your scenery can make a big difference.

And to help you with that, our community has helped curate the Ultimate Editing Playlist!ย  Photographers from all over the world have begun to submit the songs they love listening to while editing their photos.ย  If you have a Spotify account, feel free to try out the free playlist and subscribe to it, as we'll be adding more songs in the days to come.

It's been a lot of fun seeing the variety of types of music that photographers listen to for motivation and inspiration.ย  Take a listen yourself, and let us know what you think!

And if you'd like to join the Community and give us the songs you love to add to the playlist, join us on Facebook and get involved with other photographers - we're like one big family.

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